Tuesday, April 26, 2011

hello world!

I created this blog out of my strong need to help me keep focused. I have started on a journey. Journey to find the meaning of "wellbeing". And then chasing it till the end by getting a little better everyday.
I know the journey is long and there are going to be times when I will be convinced to give up because its hard. This blog is what I hope will keep me going when the hard and sad times come. I will look for motivation in my past. The logs written when I was happy and healthy will inspire me to beat the downs and will help me bounce back.. and stay focused on the journey which is life. a healthy life. natural too! Its not just about the weight loss, but most importantly it is about a way of living life so that it makes sense.

I am a 27 year old Indian woman. I never had any major health issues and I am not overweight. But I feel what I lack is *that* feeling of being well - physically as well as mentally. And now I have decided to take matter in my hands and seriously start working on it! Better be late than never, right?

Here is what I plan to write about on this blog - more than a blog actually, its a journal. I will document my plans, research, experiments, recipes, whatever I feel that is relevant.
:: I will write a daily journal of what and how much -1. i ate, 2. i exercised, 3.water i drank.
:: My goals - weekly/monthly/bi-monthly etc
:: Synthesis of scientific information on health, nutrition, fitness etc
:: Recipes along with the nutritional info